Customer Experience: Talking is silver, but showing is gold.

One of the most interesting times in my career was when I worked in steel manufacturing. I was challenged to incite initiative, focus, drive and passion for customer experience with the sales, estimating and call centre teams. With varying degrees of experience, willingness for change and customer focus, it was no easy task. We had[…]

Marketing Campaign vs. Strategy – What’s the difference?

Video conference at 5pm. The meeting was to reveal a new ‘marketing direction’. I was honored and privileged to be working with executives on this exciting new way forward for one of Australia’s iconic brands. As the meeting unfolded, we started to understand the methodologies, objectives and deliverables orbiting the marketing direction. After the build[…]

The #1 law of the Customer Experience Universe

Described by some as the business ‘buzz term’ of the last decade, Customer Experience has ranged in description, shape and form… For most, the journey begins looking at service levels, convenience factors and attitudes of individuals and teams. Others throw themselves into the world of analytics and data by adopting Net Promoter Score (or equivalent)[…]

InsideOut at Work: The 5 emotions driving our progress and achievement

Last weekend I took my two girls to watch a much anticipated film of the year: InsideOut. For those that haven’t yet seen or heard of it, the film is set in the mind of a young girl, Riley Anderson, where five personified emotions—Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear, and Sadness try to lead her through life as[…]